⒈ 旧时妇女行礼,即万福。
英a form of greeting by women;
⒉ 英:再见。
⒈ 台湾风俗,每逢节日、佛诞、新谷登场、婚寿葬祭,都要供奉神明和宴请亲朋,有时甚至演戏酬神。这种活动称为“拜拜”
英custom of enshrining and worshipping in Taiwan;
⒈ 台湾 风俗,每逢佳节或祭神日,大宴宾客,俗谓之拜拜。
⒉ 英语bye-bye的译音。谓再会。
⒈ 一种供神的仪式。
⒉ 再见。为英语 bye-bye的音译。
英语(loanword) bye-bye, also pr. [bai1 bai1] etc, (coll.) to part ways (with sb), (fig.) to have nothing further to do (with sb or sth), to pay one's respects by bowing with hands in front of one's chest clasping joss sticks, or with palms pressed together, (Taiwan) religious ceremony in which offerings are made to a deity
德语Tschüs, Bye bye , Tschüß, Bye bye
法语bye-bye, festival d'adoration, adorer (les dieux) (Tw)
1、 夜幕低垂的街道,傍晚的香气,着灯的房子,与朋友说拜拜,回到家里,有人在等我回来,用笑脸迎接我的,温柔的人。
2、 六一儿童节到了,让我们对烦恼说声拜拜,从此与它不再见;让我们把忧愁抛远,让快乐跟在身边,快乐天天;儿童节祝天天快乐、天天幸福、天天开心。
3、 夏天挥一挥衣袖,说拜拜;立秋伸伸懒腰说,我来啦;酷暑要带着你的烦恼光荣下岗,凉爽携手你的精彩闪亮登场,愿蓝天白云对你笑,幸福