英 [dʒə,stɪkjʊ'leɪʃ(ə)n; dʒe,stɪkjʊ'leɪʃ(ə)n]***美
1、gest- "behave, act" + -ic + -ul-(diminutive) + -ation.
2、字面含义:action, behavior. => posture, manner of carrying the body, action undertaken in good will to express feeling.
- gesticulation (n.)
- early 15c., from Latin gesticulationem (nominative gesticulatio), noun of action from past participle stem of gesticulari "to gesture, mimic," from gesticulus "a mimicking gesture," diminutive of gestus "a gesture; carriage, posture," noun use of past participle of gerere "to bear, to carry" (see gest).
[G]esticulation is the using of gestures, & a gesture is an act of gesticulation. On the other hand, gesture also is sometimes used as an abstract, & then differs from gesticulation in implying less of the excited or emotional or theatrical or conspicuous. [Fowler]
- 1. Is gesticulation easier said than done?
- 用手势表达意思做起来很难 吗 ?
- 2. Suddenly, the postilions exchange speech with animated gesticulation, and the horses are pulled up, almost haunches.
- 突然两个车夫激动地打着手势争论起来, 猛一带马, 马匹几乎倒坐在地上.
- 3. In fact , the eyes , gesticulation or appearance potential energy transmit more information than utterance.
- 你必须时时刻刻谨慎注重、观察你的对手,并不断地思考如何影响对方接受你的看法.
- 4. He is better than delimiting to a saleswoman with gesticulation a period of time.
- 他用手势向一位女售货员比划了好一阵子.
- 5. He laughed and threw the bottle upwards with a gesticulation I did not understand.
- 然后他笑了笑,朝上扔出了瓶子,我不知道他是什么意思.